--> Webrings --> Yes We Blog! Index
Banner graphic reading 'YES WE BLOG! WEBRING

Yes, it’s a webring! In 2025! Fully functioning! For real people who actually blog! Because we're taking back the good parts of the internet from the 1990s and early 2000s to help us actually FIND each other online, free from trash algorithms, "A.I." sludge, SEO nonsense, and the bigotry of so many terrible social media sites!

Blogs in the Webring

More YES WE BLOG! blogs*

* These blogs run on versions of Wordpress that aren't compatible
with the webring code, but you can visit them at these links!

Want to join the Webring?

If you have an active blog and don’t post bigoted garbage or "A.I." generated content and would like to be part of the YES WE BLOG! Webring, let me know by asking nicely on Bluesky, then add one of the gifs and the code snippet below to your main blog page once I tell you you’re approved. Please note that I reserve the right to not add or to remove your site for any reason (there may be kids watching, etc.), thanks and sorry?

Also please note that this is really a proof-of-concept that webrings can be done in 2025 and can work with both old school sites and modern WordPress sites (although sadly it relies on Java, which only runs on Wordpress sites paying for the Business and above plans). I'll keep this going as long as I can, but this is handmade web stuff, which means it will last and be awesome as long as whoever's running it (me!) can maintain it.

The cool news is that it doesn't depend on any one of us -- you can make one of these yourself! I built this using the awesome onionring code from, which I modified just a little for simplified navigation link design. I'll try to post later with a guide with my tweaks, in case they're helpful for others.

The gifs

Here are the gifs that can accompany the webring navigation links on your website. You can use the bigger, old school, 468x60 pixel banner or the 88x31 pixel button, depending on what looks better on your site. Feel free to make them link to this page for the full effect.

Banner graphic reading 'YES WE BLOG WEBRING in purplish/pink and white Impact letters on a black background

88x31 graphic reading 'YES WE BLOG' in purplish/pink and white Impact letters on a black background

The code snippet

The code in the gray box below will create a set of navigation links on your website. These links are the heart of the webring - test them out by clicking on "PREV" and "NEXT" to move from site to site in the webring; clicking on "RANDOM" for a random site in the webring; and clicking on "LIST" for this page, which includes a list of all sites in the webring.

Like what you see? Cut and paste the code in the gray box below into your website under the gif, preferably on the bottom of the page. (Again, sadly, if you're using Wordpress, please note that the code requires Java and apparently will not work on WP sites that aren't paying for Business level or higher hosting.)

<div id='ywb-webring'>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Once you tell me you've got the code in place, I'll add your URL to the index, and the navigation links should appear on your page!

External Link Disclaimer

The links on this page and in this webring are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by the Greg Pak of any of the products, services or opinions of the corporation or organization or individual. Greg Pak bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the external site or for that of subsequent links. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content. Thank you!

Yep, this goofy page is incredibly simple on purpose. Should load in an instant. No cookies or trackers or unnecessary graphics. HTML, baby! Hosted on, which is a blast.

© 2025 Greg Pak. Just say no to LLMs and generative "A.I." We're doing this old school.